Hey everybody 🙂 Here’s the second guaranteed chapter of the week!
Reminder: Please disable your adblock or whitelist our website while reading.
Oppa translates Korean novels
Hey everybody 🙂 Here’s the second guaranteed chapter of the week!
Reminder: Please disable your adblock or whitelist our website while reading.
Hey everybody! Here’s the first guaranteed chapter of the week^^
Reminder: Please disable your adblock while reading or whitelist our website in your adblock. We do not have video, malicious or redirect ads
Hey everybody 🙂 Here’s the fourth guaranteed chapter of the week!
Reminder: Please disable adblock while reading or whitelist our website. About 35% readers use adblock. We understand the reason but we DO NOT have video ads, malicious ads or redirect ads anywhere.
Hey everybody 🙂 Here’s the 3rd guaranteed chap of the week! The final fourth one of the week will be released in about 12 hours from now.
Reminder: Please disable your adblock while reading or whitelist our website. We do not have video or redirect ads of any kind.
We’ve worked on the website and it should feel very smooth now^^ hoping the initial high traffic on chap release website slowdown dosen’t happen
Hey everybody 🙂 Here’s the second guaranteed chapter of the week!
Reminder: Please disable your adblock or whitelist our website while reading. There are no video or redirect ads anywhere.
Hello everybody 🙂
Today I’d like to announce that we are starting work on our second project which is being done by a new team of translators and editors of ours that we have recruited. We have the permission to translate. Expect its release sometime next week. (we are going for a bulk release)
There’s not much info there that I can give out currently apart from the novel’s name “The man who grows stronger by breathing” (tentative title)
Hope y’all look forward to it 🙂
Hey everyone 🙂 Here’s the 1st guaranteed chapter of the week 🙂
Reminder: Please turn off your adblock or whitelist our website while reading. We do not have video or malicious redirect ads.
If you like our work do consider supporting us.
Hey everybody 🙂 Here’s the fourth and the last guaranteed chapter of the week also relieving the cliffhanger xD
Reminder: Please disable your adblock or whitelist our website while reading. We do not have video or popup ads. In some very rare cases adsense might show a video, in that case click the video and copy the link and send it to us at oppatranslations@gmail.com and we shall block that website from advertising here again.
Hey everybody:) Here’s the 3rd guaranteed chapter of the week! one more to go 🙂
Reminder: Please disable your adblock or whitelist our website. We do not have video ads or pop up ads.
If somehow(very rare case) a video ad shows up please click it and copy the link and send it to us at oppatranslations@gmail.com or in comments. We will ban the link so that such an ad might not appear again
Hey everybody 🙂 Here’s the second guaranteed chapter of the week!
Adsense is set to only text and image ads, however in some very rare cases short vids appear even though it’s off 🙁 If you see any video ad on the website, click the vid, copy the link or take a screengrab of it on the website and send it to us at oppatranslations@gmail.com
We will ban all such advertisers so that you may not see the video appear again.
We have a discord server now. Shoutout to kookie for helping us set it up^^ Please do join the discord everybody 🙂