Important Update Regarding Ebook release

UPDATE: Book is back up for preorder and will release on August 3rd now giving time to people to preorder it again at the same discounted price.

Here is the link: Amazon

UPDATE: We took the book down and everybody has been refunded.
Book will go up again for preorder soon and I will update the post again when it does. Preorder will go on till August 3rd giving ample time to all who had preordered earlier to make the preorder again at the same discounted price.

We talked to Amazon and basically, they said they messed up but nothing can be done to fix it as their system won’t allow them to extend the date and put the sale back to preorder on store. So we took the book down and had Amazon refund all purchases and preorders. We have uploaded it again and soon will update this post when it is available.

Original Post

Hello all

We decided to delay the release of the ebook from 25th July to 1st August. The reason for this 1 week delay was that a few more edits were still left and we needed 3-4 days more to complete. We want to provide the best possible work we can pull off and so we took this decision.

We had spoken with Amazon kdp rep on 21st regarding it and the change was made just after the rep told us to do it.

Here’s a screenshot for the change on my kindle publishing account

However, on the website on the product page it still showed 25th as the release date. We contacted Amazon and they said that website takes upto 3 days to update its page. Their reply

‘Thank you for contacting us about the release date of your book, “Enemy of the World”. I understand that you pushed the original date back, and you’re concerned that the old date is still showing on the website.

After doing some research, I can see that the updates made to the pre-order release date just went live yesterday, July 21st. I’m happy to confirm that the new date of August 1st has been updated successfully on our end. Please note that any changes made to your book can take up to 72 hours for this to reflect on the website.

It’s also worth remembering that customers who pre-ordered the eBook will receive an email letting them know that you have delayed the release.’

The change was supposed to show up by 24th max. I wanted to update the release date here as soon as the change came up in product page to avoid confusion as then the website date and Amazon product page date would have clashed otherwise.

Fast forward to today the book is still slated to release tomorrow. In Australia it already has. The book on Amazon is an old draft I had put up earlier(It doesn’t even have all chapters forget the edits). And now that was released in a few countries already.

We now suffer this botched release thanks to Amazon’s great technical department and their handling of this issue. Amazon STILL hasn’t fixed this issue. We are speaking with them right now to solve this issue regarding the book release and regarding the buyers who have already bought it(for example Australian customers).

We apologize to everybody and will constantly update you here on the website regarding it.