Main Character Hides His Strength – Chapter 135 is out!

Hey, everyone:) Here’s a chapter!

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Chapter 135 – Tower of Recluse (2)

MCHHS 134 Announcement

Hey all

In my last chapter announcement, I had said that the chapter will release in 2-3 days but it’s almost a week and you all are probably wondering what happened? We have finished it it’s ready for release except for one little thing.

We found an inconsistency in the terms used in the raw chapter specifically related to God names. So we sent a message to the author regarding it and are awaiting his reply to fix it and post the chapter. We want to provide the best possible work and so didn’t release it yet.

The next chapter will also come with a term change announcement. We are changing 2-3 terms to make the terms consistent across ebook and website chapters. They are just about 3 of them I think in total. The change will be made across all chapters wherever they appear before.

Please be patient, thank you.

Master Hunter K – Chapter 178 is out!

Hey, everyone:) Here’s a chapter!

Sorry about this massive delay. Rin the translator is in US right now and just gave his accountancy exam this week. Due to travel and preparation, he wasn’t available to translate it sooner. Our mistake lied in not informing the readers prior and causing everyone a lot of wait. If such a situation arises we will make a post here stickied on the website homepage addressing the delay cause and when it will be back. We apologize and will handle it more responsibly in future cases.

Chapter 178 – The Chosen Ones (3)